The U.S. Partner of
Elma Barnett Children's Centre
in Kenya

Please help support the children

From Our Blog

Walindwa By The Numbers

Nuggets of information about our work in Kenya

40 kids living at EBCCK

21 boys and 19 girls, 32 primary and 8 secondary.

Higher Education

25 students have continued education post-high school since 2012.

EKHS Construction

11 buildings constructed on EKHS campus since land was purchased in 2012.

EBCCK Teachers

3 primary: Lina, Terry & Joel.
5 secondary: Isaac, Henry, Daisy, Alfred & Ziadi.

Volunteer Directors

$0 = salaries paid to Directors, who are all unpaid volunteers.  100% of sponsorship donations go to Kenya.

Matthew 18:14

"In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish."

The Walindwa Difference

Many child sponsorship organizations exist, but Walindwa is unique.


The Walindwa Board members have traveled to Kenya, met with their counterparts on the Kenyan BOD, and seen the results of the projects that we support. We visit with the children and see their excitement when we deliver a letter from their sponsor.


The EBCCK home includes about 40 primary-aged children with another 8 of our kids in EKHS high school plus 13 post-high-school students. We know every child’s name, how they are doing in their studies, and their hopes for the future.


With our regular visits and close partnership, there are no fiscal surprises. If the lack of rain causes the price of grain to rise, we know about it. Funds are sent monthly, based on the number of children in residence. When projects are proposed by those in Kenya, we review the quotes before agreeing to raise the funds.

Help make a difference in Kenya!