A Wedding, Christmas, and a Time to Support and Love Students in Kenya
Did someone say Wedding?! Many of you personally know the members of the Walindwa BOD: Jill Weller, Don Vampola, Keith & Lori Edwards, Carole Ericson, Beth Nidzieko, Ginny Jackson, & Anne Murigu. These long-time friends gathered in October to celebrate an extra-special milestone in the life of Walindwa, and in the life of its President, Jill Weller.
On October 1st, Jill was joined in marriage and ministry to Don Vampola!
The EBCCK board was also represented by Judy Birir, who flew in from Kenya to share the day with her ‘Kenyan Sister (dada)’, Jill. Don’s first trip to Kenya will be at the end of January and he is so eager to meet all the kids!
Jill joins a very large Vampola family that Judy has likened to a Kenyan clan (Don is the youngest of 8, and his family has over 80 members in only 3 generations). The happy couple look forward to many years of companionship and ministry together. More to follow on their Kenyan wedding in October 2023!
**While we celebrate the birth of Christ, there are others much less fortunate than us. ** Our economy is struggling through global inflation, but Kenya has been overwhelmed by drought as well as inflation. Costs of food staples are up nearly 50%. EBCCK is struggling to find necessary funds for maize, beans, flour, etc.
Do you feel a tug on your heart to help feed our “food fund?”
A gift of $125 can help feed 40 kids for a week.
Or perhaps these impacting ways to give:
$75 – New mattress
$100 – Staff members salary for one month
$125 – Goat (roast beast) for Christmas Dinner
$250 – Feed all the kids for 2 weeks!
$500 – Cow (milk and chai)
$1000 – Sponsors a child for a year!
Please consider a gift towards Walindwa and all the good that God is doing with this ministry in Kenya. As you can see, your gift goes a long way, and these students will be absolutely blessed by your generosity! Click the Give Online button below to help make this Christmas even more special, and don't hesitate to reach out and ask any questions via email at walindwa@walindwa.org
Asante sana, (Thank you very much)
from the EBCCK Board Members and these grateful students!
"We've seen God do so much
with so little for all of these beautiful little ones!
Your gifts bring heaven to earth in Kenya"